Unitarian Fellowship of Tokyo Dec 13 (2020) 3:00-5:00 on ZOOM
Dear friends and members of the Fellowship,
We trust you and loved ones are well.
Let's join together this year (how your moderator wishes it could be in person with refreshments and libations) to talk and think about Christmas and this holiday season.
Regular meeting: 3:00-5:00 Sunday Dec 13 on ZOOM.
Contact us at unitarianfellowshipoftokyo@gmail.com if you did not attend last month or otherwise need the ZOOM link (which we will send out around Dec 12).
Do you know some of the details of the history of Christmas in English speaking cultures?
This year Dec 13 is the third Sunday in Advent--the preparation period of waiting and hope.
What do UU's believe and practice about Christmas?
How do humanist Unitarians (that is many if not most Unitarians) who do not believe in the Trinity or that Jesus was uniquely " God made man" (many U's think he was a special teacher, but would say we are all made with the light of God inside), think about Christmas?
Do you (like some UU's) follow other traditions of the winter season like Jewish Chanukah (or Hanukkah) or Solstice practices? or cleaning house and paying bills (like the Scots and Japanese) for the coming new year?
And for those of us who do not have family and community ties or traditions to bring "holiday happiness" how do we enjoy this season that often brings out the worst material excess and waste (and degrading inequality and misery) in our capitalist postmodern societies? Music may be one answer.
Please if you can --- bring to share a joke or story or memory.
We will have Reiko's husband, Rodrigo Leija, on guitar to provide some music and also lead us in singing a few traditional songs of the season.
Peggy Kanada, moderator of UFT
Here is a link to an upbeat musical animated movie of Dickens's A Christmas Carol。
And an article from the UU World Magazine about how and why Humanists also celebrate Christmas.
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