Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Religious Life in Victorian Britain

November Meeting

Robert Morton will speak on "Queen Victoria and religious life in Victorian Britain"
Sunday November 9th, 3'00 at our usual venue, International House, seminar room.

For more about Robert Morton, see this article in the Japan Times.

Robert who teaches and does research in Japan specializes in Victorian Britain and has spoken on the comparison between Queen Victoria and the Meiji Emperor.

Should be interesting.

We will be meeting at the International house in Roppongi as usual
at 3 p.m. Anyone is welcome

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Past and future speakers

Sam just informed me the following. I certainly am sorry I missed the rabbi. It sounds like it was just the kind of talk that makes this group worth going to on a quiet Sunday afternoon.

Past speaker
Sep. 14 speaker Rabbi Henri Noach (Tokyo's Jewish Community Center)
Our first meeting of the fall was a wide-ranging discussion of Judaism that started with Jewish ideas about death and ended with
deep thoughts about the purpose of life. Thanks to the energetic Rabbi Henri Noach .
next speaker
Oct. 12 speaker Dr. Lornz Poggendorf
Shinto’s role in preserving our natural environment”

3:00 International House, Roppongi

Hope I can make then next one. See you there.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Next Speaker

I have made this post so that our new Chairwoman Peggy Kanada can easily inform us all of the next speaker, date and time by posting a reply to this item.

Hope this makes life easier for you Peggy.

Past Speakers

June 2008
William Parker, chairman spoke on the History of the Unitarian Mission in Japan

May 2008
Reverend Paul Koroluk of the St. Jude Ukrainian Orthodox Mission,
His subject will be: “Orthodox Christianity”

April 2008
John Clammer traveled to India during February and March and brought us an up-to-date picture of developments there. His subject was: “India between Tradition and the Future”

March 2008
Dr. Joseph O'Leary of Sophia University spoke on the Heart Sutra, the shortest of all Sutras and core to the Buddhist concept of emptiness.

February 2008
Susan Martin, teacher of creative writing at Lakeland College, spoke on“How to Watch a Movie”

January 2008
Dr. Robert Dujarric, Director, Institute of Contemporary Japanese Studies (ICJS) at Temple University in

November 2007
Dr. Paul McCarthy,Professor of Comparative Culture at Surugadai University. Dr. McCarthy showed movie excerpts and explained “Ugetsu”, the famous Japanese film with the story by Akinari and the film directed by Mizoguchi. His topic wasJapan’s International Role in 2008.

October 2007
Dr. John Clammer, Professor of Sociology at Sophia spoke on "Shinto and Ecology: New Foundations for Religious Environmentalism”

September 2007
Dr. Steven Morgan who is a Professor in the Department of English, the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Daito Bunka University. Dr. Morgan is also choir director and organist at St. Albans.
His subject will be “Music and Peace…the Inner and Outer Journey”

For other past speakers see

First Message

The Unitarian Fellowship is a group of English speaking Japanese and long and short term foreign residents of Japan that has been meeting since 1965. It is a lay group that meets one Sunday a month at the International House in Roppongi to listen to invited speakers who discuss topics of religion, morality, literature, and international relations.

Unitarianism is one of the few religious denominations that does not require assent to a creed as a condition of membership.

A Unitarian fellowship is essentially a society of seekers, not of believers.

The basis is a common search for truth and a common sharing of what we have found in this search.

The next meeting will be held in September 2008. This new blog is an attempt for members to keep in touch, provide information to each other about scheduled meetings and to invite anyone who would like to participate. We will be updating information about coming speakers in this space, as well as providing stories and comments about the past.

International House
5-11-16 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032 Japan
Tel: 03-3470-4611, Fax: 03-3479-1738
[Click for map] .

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