Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Rethinking Japanese Buddhism Through Cultural History Nov. 14 Sunday Zoom meeting


Unitarian Fellowship of Tokyo ZOOM meeting 3:00 November 14

Dear friends and members of the fellowship

Our speaker will be Prof Brian Ruppert "Rethinking Japanese Buddhism Through Cultural History: Texts, Sites, Gatherings, Movements."

3:00 to 5:00 on ZOOM only.

He has sent us very interesting pre-presentation materials that are a summary and a chapter from

his 2015 co-authored book, The Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism.

[Brian Ruppert  ブライアン・ルパート]

Ph.D., Religion , Princeton University プリンストン大学 博士 (宗教史学)

Professor 教授  

Department of Cross-Cultural Studies, Kanagawa University

神奈川大学 国際日本学部 国際文化交流学科


Emeritus Faculty, University of Illinois

Selected publications:

Jewel in the Ashes: Buddha Relics and Power in Early Medieval Japan  (Harvard)

Co-Author,  A Cultural History of Japanese Buddhism  (Wiley-Blackwell)

"Buddhism in Japan" ( The Encyclopedia of Religion ,  2 nd  ed., Gale/Macmillan)

Please request at unitarianfellowshipoftokyo@gmail.com if you want his materials(2 PDF)or Zoom link.

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