Tuesday, April 9, 2019

eminder: Unitarian Fellowship of Tokyo Sunday, April 14、2019

Dear UFT friends,
"A Flower Ceremony"

Based on the service started by the Czech , Norbert Capeck, founder with his wife Maja, of the first liberal Unitarian Church  in Prague in the 1920's. (Capeck died at the hands of the  Nazis in 1942).
This will be a time to celebrate the coming of Spring flowers and to treasure our community as we each bring our unique and different selves to the group.
We also look forward to  a chance to to discuss the racism. sexism, ageism that we encounter every day--and consider the ways we all act (perhaps unconsciously)  with prejudice and disrespect  towards others.
Our usual time (3:00 to 5:00) with the invitation to stay for dinner if you can.
Our usual place: International House (国際文化会館).
If you can, please being a single flower/branch (extras will be available).

Your moderator.

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