Wednesday, September 15, 2010

October - November Meetings - Revisions

Because we had to have a replacement meeting for September, the original schedule for September/October will be shifted to October/November (barring further emergencies)

Next fellowship meetings : International House (Roppongi) 3:00 Second Sunday of Month

October 10th Stan Yukevich will present on 'Raymond Aron and Enlightened Pragmatism'

November 14th Peggy Kanada --Liberal Religions and World Peace-- Where does the Dalai Lama fit?

Supplemental note:
Raymond Aron was a French philosopher, journalist and political scientist. He is discussed in "The burden of responsibility: Blum, Camus, Aron, and the French twentieth century" by Tony Judt

Peggy attended a lecture of the Dalai Lama earlier this year, and may get another chance at one of the conferences she is attending in India.

1 comment:

Neville said...

It is good to know that the Tokyo Unitarians are enjoying regular meetings and I send you greetings on behalf of all Unitarians in Great Britain and Ireland.
Neville Kenyon
British Unitarian General Assembly

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