Thursday, October 20, 2011

Denver Unitarian's visit

     On Saturday October 15, 2011 ten members and friends of the Denver Unitarian church choir, under the leadership of Steve Comstock, were guided by your moderator, Peggy, and joined briefly by member Miriam Levering, through a long day of exploring Japanese religion and culture. The group was on a  visit to Japan that  included Takayama and Hiroshima and they spent three days in Tokyo.

Traveling and eating lunch together we had a little time  also to talk about some of of their Unitarian practice and community activities.  First we attended the Rissho Kosei-kai big ceremony (including gagaku music) in honor of the Historic Buddha in the Great Sacred Hall. We then had a chance to see the exhibits about RK founders and the photo of Niwano Nikkyo and UUA president Dr. Greeley (and Homer Jack etc.) in the founder's museum.  Then off to Kamakura to be impressed most by the 14th century Great Buddha. What do modern Japanese believe? what is Buddhism? Amida? Shakyamuni? what is a religion, a cult? How can we work together for peace? I wish more of you from the fellowship could have joined in the discussion.  peggy kanada, moderator

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