Thursday, May 5, 2022

May 8 Speaker Dominick Scrangello : Metaphor and Myth in Religious Thought and Scriptural Traditions.


Subject: Unitarian Fellowship of Tokyo Regular Meeting on ZOOM May 8 2022


Dear friends and members of the Fellowship,

 We are happy to welcome again Dominick Scarangello, Ph.d who will talk about  metaphor and myth in religious thought and  scriptural traditions.

 Moving beyond modern literal interpretations, or on the other hand,  rationalism or   intellectualized symbolic understanding,  back to  earlier generations'  approaches who often found emotional engagement and resonance with ineffable aspects of spirituality in rituals and mythic-metaphors.

Dominick Scarangello has joined us at Fellowship and spoken to us before.
He obtained his PhD from the University of Virginia in 2012. His interests include Lotus Sutra Buddhism in East Asia, Japanese religions, and religion and modernity. Dr. Scarangello has taught at the University of Virginia and was the Postdoctoral Scholar in Japanese Buddhism at the University of California, Berkeley (2013-14). Presently, he is the International Advisor to Rissho Kosei-kai and coordinator of the International Lotus Sutra Seminar. 

His talk on Sunday will summarize his paper on this topic in the Spring issue of Dharma World (p.28)

To attend our meeting the same Zoom link for previous meetings will be used.  If you need the link, please contact a member or contact us at 

The April 10th meeting was a general discussion of our organization going forward. 

  • Our June speaker on ZOOM  will be newly ordained Unitarian, Joshua Berg from L.A.
  • During our usual summer break for July and August, we hope to schedule a meal at the International House of Roppongi.  Date for resuming life meetings is still undecided.
The Unitarian Fellowship of Tokyo has been meeting continuously for more that 50 years, and we hope to keep going.  Everyone with an open mind is welcome. 

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