Monday, October 8, 2018

October 14 CHANGE to Norway Talk/Chuck Olson

Last minute change of the speaker:

"Finding an unknown home - Norway”.

Dear friends and members of UFT,
Despite efforts, Tet Gallardo, our planned young Unitarian minister guest (from Manilla) was unable to obtain a visa for Japan.
☆☆Meanwhile our member Chuck Olson has graciously stepped in and will give his talk with slides about his recent trip to NORWAY.
More than just a travel log we expect he will share some of his insights about modern Norwegian society as well as what it means to go "home" to the land of your ancestors.
Please join us.
Sunday October 14 (3:00 to 5:00)
Usual venue: International House of Japan (国際文化会館).
See their website for map. Near Roppongi and Azabu Juban stations.
☆Our speaker will stay for dinner afterwards.
Peggy Kanada,

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