Sunday, November 2, 2014

Nov. 9 Speaker Adam Komisarof on The Importance of Accultulturation Strategies

Dr. Komisarof gave us a summary of his talk this coming Sunday and his background below.   Everyone interested is welcome at the International House of Roppongi at 3 p.m. Sunday Nov. 9th.  Looking forward to seeing you.

What We Can All Do to Create a More Global Japan: The Importance of Acculturation Strategies

The 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics loom on the horizon.  With this seminal event approaching, discussions will proliferate about how Japanese society can become more global and what type of mindset and skills are necessary for Japan’s working populace to become “gurobaru jinzai.  Based on his research over the past 20 years, Professor Adam Komisarof will clarify how an understanding and transformation of acculturation strategies can improve the quality of intercultural relations between non-Japanese and Japanese, and through the mutual efforts of both sides, create a more global society and a populace better prepared to meet the demands of the 21st century workplace.

Presenter Profile

Adam Komisarof, PhD is a professor in Reitaku University's Department of Economic Studies and Business Administration.  During the 2012-13 academic year, he served as a senior associate member of St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, and conducted research as a visiting academic at the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies.  Professor Komisarof’s previous book, On the Front Lines of Forging a Global Society: Japanese and American Coworkers in Japan (2011), earned him Reitaku University’s Excellence in Research Award for 2012, and his latest book, At Home Abroad: The Contemporary Western Experience in Japan (2012), has been highly praised in the mass media. 

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