Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sept 14 Meeting "A Variety of Religious Experiences"

The topic for our September 14th, 2014 meeting will be "A Variety of Religious Experiences  (with apologies to William James):  Personal Views of an Expat."

The speaker will be  Paul McCarthy, Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations. 
In addition to teaching at various universities in Japan, Paul is a  translator of Japanese literature and has translated  Tanizaki, Nakajima Atsushi, Kanai Mieko, and scholarly and popular works on Buddhism.  

Raised by a Catholic father and a Lutheran mother, Paul "naturally became an Anglican."  With that start and his encounters with Buddhism, and his scholarly but lively presentation, we expect a very interesting meeting.

Anyone is welcome at the Unitarian Fellowship of Tokyo meeting at the International House in Roppongi, fourth floor, 3 p.m. September 14th.

For a map, see http://www.i-house.or.jp/access.html

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