Tuesday, May 22, 2012

June topic Tagore--'Poet of a Defeated Nation'

Dear friends and members of the Unitarian Fellowship of Tokyo,


      Our next meeting>> June 10  3:00 at International House

       We are pleased to have as our speaker Vivek Pinto, an old friend of the fellowship, who is a professor, journalist and long term resident of Tokyo from India.

 He will speak about R.Tagore (1861-1941) --the great Bengali poet and composer, writer,educationalist, anti-imperialist and supporter of  Indian nation-building (and the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913).   Tagore was an important figure in introducing Indian culture to the west and other nations. Pinto in a recent paper (from which he will base his talk to us) examined the  visits and connections Tagore made with  Japan especially during the years when imperialistic Japanese were rushing headlong into  disastrous war and ultimate defeat. 

Rabindranath Tagore--'Poet of a Defeated Nation'.

Link to his paper:

 "Rabindranath Tagore and Japan: A Poet's Propehcy," on Sophia Univ. document website.

Step 1: Please access the following URL: http://repository.cc.sophia.ac.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/4943

Step 2: Once you come to the home page, then type 29 (in numerals) in the box SEARCH.

Step 3: This will bring up the current issue of The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies, vol. 29, 2011.

Step 4: Scroll down to find his paper.  On the right there is an icon OPEN. 

Peggy Kanada, moderator

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