Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Religious Life in Victorian Britain

November Meeting

Robert Morton will speak on "Queen Victoria and religious life in Victorian Britain"
Sunday November 9th, 3'00 at our usual venue, International House, seminar room.

For more about Robert Morton, see this article in the Japan Times.

Robert who teaches and does research in Japan specializes in Victorian Britain and has spoken on the comparison between Queen Victoria and the Meiji Emperor.

Should be interesting.

We will be meeting at the International house in Roppongi as usual
at 3 p.m. Anyone is welcome

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Past and future speakers

Sam just informed me the following. I certainly am sorry I missed the rabbi. It sounds like it was just the kind of talk that makes this group worth going to on a quiet Sunday afternoon.

Past speaker
Sep. 14 speaker Rabbi Henri Noach (Tokyo's Jewish Community Center)
Our first meeting of the fall was a wide-ranging discussion of Judaism that started with Jewish ideas about death and ended with
deep thoughts about the purpose of life. Thanks to the energetic Rabbi Henri Noach .
next speaker
Oct. 12 speaker Dr. Lornz Poggendorf
Shinto’s role in preserving our natural environment”

3:00 International House, Roppongi

Hope I can make then next one. See you there.

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